Erinnern an NS-Verbrechen in Leipzig e.V.
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
Phone +49(0)341-2352075
E-mail: info [at] zwangsarbeit-in-leipzig [dot].de
Editorial responsibility in accordance with the German press law lies with sponsoring association "Erinnern an NS-Verbrechen in Leipzig e.V."
Editorial work: Gedenkstätte für Zwangsarbeit Leipzig
Design concept and realisation:
Lehmann & Werder Museumsmedien (GbR)
An der Kleinbahn 1
14715 Kriele
Some links leading to other, external websites. The sponsoring association "Erinnern an NS-Verbrechen in Leipzig e.V.", the Leipzig Nazi Forced Labour Memorial and its employees assert explicitly that they do not have any control over the content (opinions, statements, pictures) of linked pages and therefore dissociate themselves from all content of sites to which the links placed on our site lead.
All content of the website is licensed under a Creative Common. The non-commercial use of the content is welcomed and permitted, if the website is acknowledged as the source of the material. We furthermore ask you to notice us, if you want to use content of the website for your work, projects or alike.
The copyright of all pictures lies with the Leipzig Nazi Forced Labour Memorial, as long as nothing else is specified. If you should discover an unknown copyright holder despite our careful examination, we ask you to mail a short report to the memorial.
This website was sponsored by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation Sachsen e.V.
The Leipzig Nazi Forced Labour Memorial is funded by the Saxon Memorial Foundation through grants of the Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts and by the Leipzig Office of Cultural Affairs.
With the kind support of