Abtnaundorf Memorial – Memorial Commemorating the Abtnaundorf Massacre at the "Leipzig-Thekla" Concentration Camp on 18th April 1945
In September 1958, an obelisk was dedicated in Theklaer Straße in Leipzig-Abtnaundorf. It commemorates one of the most horrific crimes committed during the Nazi tyranny in Leipzig. More than 80 prisoners were burnt to death in a barrack building of the “Leipzig-Thekla” concentration camp, or murdered while trying to escape over the barbed wire perimeter fence on 18th April 1945.
The text below provides detailed historical background information regarding the site of the concentration camp and about the Abtnaundorf massacre.
> read more
List of the Victims of KZ "Leipzig-Thekla"
Flyer: Information about the planned modernisation of the memorial in Leipzig-Abtnaundorf (City of Leipzig, Office of Cultural Affairs, 2015)
in German, English, Polish and Russian > Download (PDF)